Monday, October 13, 2008

I Miss Summer

The weather’s been wet and cold for the past few days. I could hear the angry waves crashing against the shore in the wee hours while the wind howled. For several nights, I lay wide awake on my bed, shivering with cold and wonder if the hubby and I would be attacked by a tsunami. If we did, we would never have the time to run for our dear lives. We live less than a kilometer from the beach.

Yesterday, there was a drastic change in weather. The sky was gloomy all day but it didn’t rain. Instead, we had a mini sand storm. The wind was strong and warm. It was uncomfortable staying outdoors. Not only did I feel dusty all over, at some point, I felt suffocated by the warm air. Besides, everything from afar looked hazy. It was my first experience of a sand storm. Thankfully, it was just a mini one. I wonder what would happen if a real sand storm comes knocking on our door. Nah. I would gladly give that a miss.

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