Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Where Are You, My Peppy Gal?

The hubby and I received a very sad news tonight. Peppy was shot by an Algerian. We do not know who did it, how it happened, when it happened and where it happened. Nobody saw her body. All we know is that Peppy did not come home on 27 and 28 Dec 2009. My driver then heard from someone that an algerian had shot Peppy and that she was dead.

I do not know if Peppy is really dead since her body was not found. Deep in my heart, I'm still hoping that she is alive. Maybe she managed to escape and is hiding in somewhere safe. Maybe she wandered too far away from home and couldn't find her way back. Maybe she found herself a partner and decided to leave with him. I do not know. My only wish is that my Peppy gal is still alive.

Where are you, my Peppy gal? Please come home if you are still alive. I miss you.

Friday, December 11, 2009

BB Ong @ 10 Weeks 1 Day

My mum-in-law, Sis, Gwendolyn and Glenn saw BB Ong for the first time at my gynae's this morning. BB Ong was very active! He was kicking his tiny legs the whole time and even waved at us! It's so amazing to see how much my baby has grown in 2 weeks.

My sis took a video of BB Ong. I'm going to upload it on Flickr so that the hubby could see how active this little fella is.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm Thinking of...

Penne Arrabiata from Pasta Fresca.
Tom Yum Goong Noodle from Secret Recipe.
Roti Prata Kosong with Thick Spicy Fish Curry (no fish meat, please).
Mee Tai Mak Soup cooked by Sis.
Any Authentic Penang Assam Laksa.

These are the stuff that have been swirling in my head for days.

I am so hungry BUT I can't eat. Sigh.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

BB Ong @ 9 weeks

BB Ong is exactly 9 weeks today. I'm looking forward to my gynea appointment next Friday. From what I've read, a baby's heartbeat might be audible by the 10th week. I hope I'll be able to hear BB Ong's glorious heartbeat by then.

As for me, I've been well except when afternoon sickness strikes and lasts throughout the night. Usually after the first meal of the day, I would feel nauseous. Sometimes I would puke out the food I've had but mostly it's all water and saliva. I have also developed an aversion to all kinds of meat which includes seafood. So, goodbye cheese burger. Goodbye KFC. Goodbye bak kwa. Goodbye chili crab. I'm officially a vegetarian for now. I've read that morning sickness will be gone for most women as she enters into the second trimester. I hope it holds true for me. I need to gain back my appetite else BB Ong will be deprived of all the nutrients he needs.

Apart from afternoon sickness and poor appetite, I've been feeling a little down and weepy occasionally. The compulsive worrier in me has become more evident. I worry, I fear and I cry for irrational and illogical reasons. Perhaps my mood swings has been exacerbated by the fact that the hubby is away. But I do recognise that the emotional ups and downs that I'm going through is attributed to all the surges of pregnancy hormones.

Alright. I think I'm making myself sounds like I'm in severe depression. Don't worry, I'm not. I'm still emotionally stable and is fully capable of feeling the joy of having BB Ong growing inside me.

BB Ong BB Ong, Mommy can't wait to see you next week!