Thursday, July 14, 2011

You Are My Sunshine

12 July 2011 was a really special day for me.

My son came up to me and planted a kiss on my lips. He then walked away and returned with another kiss on my lips again! And it happened again and again and again! I had actually lost count of how many times my son had kissed me.

Oh, dear son! You've stolen mommy's heart!

Javier at 12 months and 29 days. A day before he turns 13 months old.

You are my sunshine.

My only sunshine.

You make me happy when skies are grey.

You never know, dear.

How much I love you.

Please don't take my sunshine away.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Look how much Javier has grown!

Meet my son after almost 6 months! My baby is 11 months and 30 days old. In another few hours, he will be ONE!

I've been busy and (too) lazy to blog. But for the sake of my baby, I decided to document these special moments before I completely forgot about them.

These are the significant events and milestones my baby has achieved since the day he was born.

1. 9 Dec 2010 (5+ months) - Rolled over on his own.

2. 11 Dec 2010 (5+ months) - Had his first taste of semi-solid food.

3. 14 Dec 2010 (6 months) - First visit to the Underwater World at Sentosa.

4. 27 Dec 2010 (6+ months) - Ditched his pacifier.

5. 31 Dec 2010 (6+ months) - First visit to the Jurong Bird Park.

6. 14 Feb 2011 (8 months) - Crawled backward.

7. 5 March 2o11 (8+ months) - Crawled forward.

8. 12 March 2011 (8+ months) - Got into sitting position on his own.

9. 25 March 2011 (9+ months) - Pulled himself up in standing position.

10. 26 March 2011 (9+months) - Fed himself with finger food.

11. 22 April 2011 (9+ months) - First visit to the zoo.

12. 8 May 2011 (10+ months) - Called "Mama".

13. 14 May 2011 (11 m0nths) - Clapped hands when told to do so.

14. 15 May 2011 (11+ months)- First ride on the bicycle.

15. 17 May (11+ months) - First swim in the pool.

16. 5 June (11+months) - Walked 5/6 steps without any help.

Alright, mommy better be more diligent in blogging.