Thursday, May 15, 2008

Itchy Scratchy

Check out my polka-dotted sexy leg.

These tiny red bites are all over my arms, hands, fingers and even my armpit! It's disgusting! I have no idea where I got these bites from. They are definitely not from my hubby (ha!) and neither are they mosquitoe bites. Darling said it could be due to the salty water that we use in the house. I may have developed a skin allergy but I doubt so. The itch is driving me nuts. It's so bad that I can't sleep at night cos I'm busy scratching away. I've tried calamile lotion but it only soothe the itch for a while. Sigh! I'll bear with it for a few more days. If the condition deteriorates, I'll consult a doc. Meanwhile, I'm back to scratching. I feel like a monkey. =(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello. mrs ong. get well soon yo! ;)